I’m going to run 13 miles in March for the Bath Half Marathon.. which I am quite confident I will be able to complete, but one little thing no one warns you about when training for a race… One sunny Sunday morning I decided to run 8 miles along a section of the local cycle path ..LOVING IT.  Peace and quiet, absorbed in my … Continue reading MARATHON TRAINING AND POSSIBLE INCONTINENCE


Public Health England have issued a report coming to the shocking conclusion that ‘we are eating too much sugar’ Wow, I love the way these reports state what has been obvious for ages but it taken them 5 years to write a report to confirm it. But in fairness, the report suggests A sugar tax between 10% and 20% Significantly reducing advertising high sugar food … Continue reading SUGAR TAX, A GOOD IDEA?

ECZEMA- There is more than what the doctor tells you

My daughter and I suffer from Eczema. Many people with eczema, like us, get prescribed an EMOLIENNT (which is like a medical moisturiser used for all over very dry skin) and a TOPICAL STEROID CREAM (used to treat skin when it gets CRAZY itchy and sore.) All our doctors we have ever seen, have only really liked to prescribe us a few things. AQUEOUS CREAM (emollient), … Continue reading ECZEMA- There is more than what the doctor tells you

countryside running

MEDITATION ON THE GO… Why Running is amazing for supermums (and everybody else)

ITS GOOD FOR YOUR MIND When  I am running, especially outside, the rhythm and the fact there are no other distractions beyond the primal instinct to keep going  enables my thoughts to  flow in a meditative way. My thoughts flow freely and it helps to clear my mind as well as think of creative new ideas. Similar to meditation and mindfulness techniques, that encourage you … Continue reading MEDITATION ON THE GO… Why Running is amazing for supermums (and everybody else)


I used to go to the gym ALOT. I did a lot of weights, as well as lugging around one REALLY heavy baby and a 2-year-old. For me, I love having that tiny bit of time to myself as well as the stress-busting endorphin hit and looking and feeling energised, toned and strong. Then one day something crept up on me, very quickly after I … Continue reading WHY PILATES IS GREAT FOR SUPERMUMS (BUT ALSO FOR EVERYBODY)