gift guide

Christmas Toys. Gift ideas for preschoolers

Quick! Its Christmas! What to get those 2-5 year oldĀ pre-schooler age bracket when there is SO much choice out there? Something that they might actually like and play with..Can you imagine a room full of toys actually being played with? What a DREAM. This Christmas I am on a slightly delusional, yet optimistic quest to do justĀ that as I think they could be possibly pretty … Continue reading Christmas Toys. Gift ideas for preschoolers

Pastel coloured puke. The problem with pink. Why the gender stereotyping, sexist toys?

For some reason, (and I have tried to find out that reason but there are many contradicting explanations) it is believed by a vast amount of the population that pink is a colour for girls and blue for boys. I don’t really know why and it doesn’t really bother me that much because they are just colours. What does bother me, is that everything pink … Continue reading Pastel coloured puke. The problem with pink. Why the gender stereotyping, sexist toys?