gift guide

Christmas Toys. Gift ideas for preschoolers

Quick! Its Christmas! What to get those 2-5 year old pre-schooler age bracket when there is SO much choice out there? Something that they might actually like and play with..Can you imagine a room full of toys actually being played with? What a DREAM. This Christmas I am on a slightly delusional, yet optimistic quest to do just that as I think they could be possibly pretty … Continue reading Christmas Toys. Gift ideas for preschoolers

‘Baking’ with kids. 5 ways to make your life easier

Baking is quite a precise process. It is not like in regular cooking where you can add a little bit of this and a little bit of that, get creative, personal and balance out things quite easy if you go a bit wrong. Baking is a bit more MATH. If you guess it, it generally might not even work and quite possibly taste disgusting. Baking … Continue reading ‘Baking’ with kids. 5 ways to make your life easier

Pastel coloured puke. The problem with pink. Why the gender stereotyping, sexist toys?

For some reason, (and I have tried to find out that reason but there are many contradicting explanations) it is believed by a vast amount of the population that pink is a colour for girls and blue for boys. I don’t really know why and it doesn’t really bother me that much because they are just colours. What does bother me, is that everything pink … Continue reading Pastel coloured puke. The problem with pink. Why the gender stereotyping, sexist toys?

What is black friday?

Black Friday is a day at the end of this working week, after Thursday and before Saturday when YOU MUST CONSUME You must get overly excited about buying more stuff someone tells you that you NEED. You must believe that you have got a great deal and that will make you happy. You might even buy something that you don’t even want. The price tag … Continue reading What is black friday?


DONT BOTHER…JOKE….SORT OF… Get rid of anything white, grey or yellow (unless it is an extremely practical radiation suit) and invest in a pinny to wear around the house. Unless you like getting out the house with ‘freshly washed clothes’  on, only to realise they have LOADS of white smeg all over them. GET A FRINGE- OR BANGS IF YOUR AMERICAN They are basically like … Continue reading STYLE ADVICE FOR NEW MUMS